1 module betterclist;
3 import std.algorithm;
4 import std.range;
5 import std.traits;
7 struct List(T, long N = -1)
8 {
9     alias ElementType = T;
11     /// Whether List has fixed size, which means it is backed by a static array
12     enum isSized = N >= 0;
13     static if (isSized)
14     {
15         /// Static array with capacity N that holds the List elements.
16         T[N] array;
18         /// Construct List with initial elements.
19         this(Args...)(auto ref Args args)
20         {
21             pushBack(args);
22         }
23     }
24     else
25     {
26         /// Slice with dynamic capacity that holds the List elements.
27         T[] array;
29         /// Construct List with backing slice and optional initial elements.
30         this(Args...)(T[] backingSlice, auto ref Args args)
31         {
32             this.array = backingSlice;
33             static if (args.length > 0)
34             {
35                 pushBack(args);
36             }
37         }
39         /// Construct List with backing pointer and capacity and optional initial elements.
40         this(Args...)(T* backingArrayPointer, size_t capacity, auto ref Args args)
41         {
42             this(backingArrayPointer[0 .. capacity], args);
43         }
45         /// Construct List with backing buffer slice and optional initial elements.
46         this(Args...)(void[] backingSlice, auto ref Args args)
47         {
48             this(cast(T[]) backingSlice, args);
49         }
51         /// Construct List with backing buffer pointer and size and optional initial elements.
52         this(Args...)(void* backingArrayPointer, size_t bufferSize, auto ref Args args)
53         {
54             this(backingArrayPointer[0 .. bufferSize], args);
55         }
56     }
57     /// Current used length, must be less than array's length.
58     /// This is readonly accessible by the `length` property from used slice.
59     private size_t usedLength = 0;
61     invariant
62     {
63         assert(usedLength <= array.length);
64     }
66     @nogc pure
67     {
68         /// List element capacity, which is the backing array's length.
69         @property size_t capacity() const @safe nothrow
70         {
71             return array.length;
72         }
74         /// Available capacity for inserting elements.
75         @property size_t availableCapacity() const @safe nothrow
76         {
77             return capacity - usedLength;
78         }
80         /// Returns whether there are no elements in List.
81         @property bool empty() const @safe nothrow
82         {
83             return usedLength == 0;
84         }
86         /// Returns whether List is full, that is, has no more available capacity.
87         @property bool full() const @safe nothrow
88         {
89             return usedLength == capacity;
90         }
92         /// Get a slice for the used elements.
93         auto usedSlice() inout
94         {
95             return array[0 .. usedLength];
96         }
97         /// Get a slice for the remaining elements.
98         private auto remainingSlice() inout
99         {
100             return array[usedLength .. capacity];
101         }
103         /// Get a slice for the used elements.
104         auto opIndex() inout
105         {
106             return usedSlice;
107         }
108         /// Index the slice of used elements.
109         auto ref opIndex(const size_t index) inout
110         in { assert(index < usedLength); }
111         do
112         {
113             return usedSlice[index];
114         }
115         /// Alias this allows operations to target used slice by default.
116         alias usedSlice this;
117     }
119     /++
120      + Push a value in the end of List.
121      + Returns: 0 if value was successfully inserted, 1 otherwise.
122      +/
123     long pushBack(U)(auto ref U value)
124     if (!isInputRange!U)
125     {
126         if (full)
127         {
128             return 1;
129         }
130         array[usedLength] = value;
131         usedLength++;
132         return 0;
133     }
135     /++
136      + Push a range of values to the end of List.
137      + Returns: number of values not inserted into List:
138      +          0 if all values were inserted successfully,
139      +          positive number if the number of remaining elements is known,
140      +          -1 if the number of remaining elements is not know.
141      +/
142     long pushBack(R)(auto ref R range)
143     if (isInputRange!R)
144     {
145         static if (hasLength!R)
146         {
147             auto rangeLength = range.length;
148             if (rangeLength > availableCapacity)
149             {
150                 range.take(availableCapacity).copy(remainingSlice);
151                 usedLength = capacity;
152                 return cast(typeof(return))(range.length - availableCapacity);
153             }
154             range.copy(remainingSlice);
155             usedLength += rangeLength;
156             return 0;
157         }
158         else
159         {
160             while (!range.empty && usedLength < capacity)
161             {
162                 array[usedLength] = range.front;
163                 usedLength++;
164                 range.popFront;
165             }
166             return range.empty ? 0 : -1;
167         }
168     }
170     /// Ditto
171     long pushBack(Args...)(auto ref Args args)
172     if (args.length > 1)
173     {
174         return pushBack(only(args));
175     }
176     alias push = pushBack;
178     /// Push back elements on `list ~= args`
179     auto opOpAssign(string op : "~", Args...)(auto ref Args args)
180     {
181         return pushBack(args);
182     }
184     /++
185      + Pop the last element from List.
186      + If element type has elaborate destructor, popped slot is reinitialized to `T.init`.
187      +/
188     void popBack()
189     {
190         if (!empty)
191         {
192             usedLength--;
193             static if (hasElaborateDestructor!T)
194             {
195                 array[usedLength] = T.init;
196             }
197         }
198     }
199     /++
200      + Pop `count` elements from the back of the List.
201      + If element type has elaborate destructor, popped slots are reinitialized to `T.init`.
202      +/
203     void popBack(const size_t count)
204     {
205         auto minCount = min(count, usedLength);
206         static if (hasElaborateDestructor!T)
207         {
208             usedSlice[$ - minCount .. $] = T.init;
209         }
210         usedLength -= minCount;
211     }
212     alias pop = popBack;
214     /++
215      + Clear all elements of List.
216      + If element type has elaborate destructor, popped slots are reinitialized to `T.init`.
217      +/
218     void clear()
219     out { assert(length == 0); assert(empty); }
220     do
221     {
222         static if (hasElaborateDestructor!T)
223         {
224             usedSlice[] = T.init;
225         }
226         usedLength = 0;
227     }
228 }
230 /// Construct List from static array, inferring element type.
231 List!(T, N) list(T, uint N)(const auto ref T[N] values)
232 {
233     return typeof(return)(values[]);
234 }
235 ///
236 unittest
237 {
238     int[3] values = [1, 2, 3];
239     assert(list(values) == values);
240 }
242 /// Construct List from slice.
243 List!(T) list(T)(auto ref T[] array)
244 {
245     typeof(return) l = array;
246     l.usedLength = array.length;
247     return l;
248 }
249 ///
250 unittest
251 {
252     auto v = list([1, 2, 3]);
253     assert(v == [1, 2, 3]);
254 }
256 /// Construct List from elements, specifying element type.
257 List!(U, Args.length) list(U, Args...)(const auto ref Args args)
258 {
259     return typeof(return)(args);
260 }
261 ///
262 unittest
263 {
264     const auto v = list!double(1, 2, 3);
265     assert(is(Unqual!(typeof(v)) == List!(double, 3)));
266     assert(v == [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]);
267 }
269 /// Construct List from elements, inferring element type.
270 auto list(Args...)(const auto ref Args args)
271 if (!is(CommonType!Args == void))
272 {
273     return .list!(CommonType!Args)(args);
274 }
275 ///
276 unittest
277 {
278     const auto v = list(1f, 2, 3);
279     assert(is(Unqual!(typeof(v)) == List!(float, 3)));
280     assert(v == [1f, 2f, 3f]);
281 }
283 /// Construct List with the specified length and type from Input Range.
284 List!(U, N) list(U, size_t N, T)(scope T range)
285 if (isInputRange!T)
286 {
287     return typeof(return)(range.take(N));
288 }
289 ///
290 unittest
291 {
292     const auto l = list!(double, 4)(repeat(42));
293     assert(l == [42.0, 42.0, 42.0, 42.0]);
294 }
296 /// Construct List with the specified length from Input Range, inferring element type.
297 auto list(size_t N, T)(scope T range)
298 if (isInputRange!T)
299 {
300     return .list!(ElementType!T, N)(range);
301 }
302 ///
303 unittest
304 {
305     const auto l = list!4(repeat(42));
306     assert(l == [42, 42, 42, 42]);
307 }
309 /// Construct List from Input Range at compile time.
310 auto list(alias values)()
311 if (isInputRange!(typeof(values)))
312 {
313     return .list!(size_t(values.length))(values);
314 }
315 ///
316 unittest
317 {
318     auto l = list!(iota(4).map!"a * a");
319     assert(l == [0, 1, 4, 9]);
320     l = list!(repeat(42).take(4));
321     assert(l == [42, 42, 42, 42]);
322 }
324 unittest
325 {
326     List!(int, 8) l;
327     assert(l.length == 0);
328     assert(l[] == null);
329     assert(l == null);
331     assert(l.pushBack(5) == 0);
332     assert(l.length == 1);
333     assert(l[0] == 5);
334     assert(l == [5]);
335     assert(l[0 .. $] == [5]);
337     l[0] = 10;
338     assert(l.length == 1);
339     assert(l[0] == 10);
340     assert(l == [10]);
341     assert(l[0 .. $] == [10]);
343     assert(l.pushBack(iota(4)) == 0);
344     assert(l.length == 5);
345     assert(l == [10, 0, 1, 2, 3]);
346     assert(l[].sum == 16);
347     assert(l[$-2 .. $] == [2, 3]);
349     int five() { return 5; }
350     assert(l.pushBack(generate!five) < 0);
351     assert(l.full);
352     assert(l == [10, 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 5, 5]);
354     assert(l.pushBack(500) > 0);
355     assert(l.back == 5);
356     l.popBack();
357     assert(l.length == l.capacity - 1);
358     assert((l ~= 500) == 0);
359     assert(l.full);
360     assert(l.back == 500);
362     l.popBack(2);
363     assert(l.length == l.capacity - 2);
364     l.clear();
365     assert(l.empty);
366     l.popBack(42);
367 }
369 unittest
370 {
371     int[10] array = 42;
372     auto l = List!(int)(array[]);
373     assert(l.capacity == 10);
374     assert(l.length == 0);
375     assert(l[] == null);
376     assert(l == null);
378     auto l2 = List!(int)(array[], 0, 1);
379     assert(l2.capacity == 10);
380     assert(l2.length == 2);
381     assert(l2[] == [0, 1]);
382     assert(l2 == [0, 1]);
383 }
385 unittest
386 {
387     import std.experimental.allocator.mallocator : Mallocator;
388     void[] buffer = Mallocator.instance.allocate(8 * int.sizeof);
390     auto l = List!(int)(buffer);
391     assert(l.capacity == 8);
393     Mallocator.instance.deallocate(buffer);
394 }
396 unittest
397 {
398     import betterclist : List;
400     // Lists may be backed by static arrays by passing the capacity to template
401     List!(int, 16) list;
402     assert(list.capacity == 16);
404     // Lists track their own element usage
405     assert(list.length == 0);
406     assert(list.empty);
408     list.pushBack(0);  // pushBack inserts an element in the end of the used slice
409     assert(list.length == 1);
410     assert(list[0] == 0);  // opIndex(size_t) indexes used elements slice, `list[1]` is out of bounds here
411     list[0] = 1;  // assigning to index works, if your List is mutable
413     list.push(2, 3);  // push is an alias to pushBack. Several elements may be pushed at once
414     assert(list[] == [1, 2, 3]);  // opIndex() returns the used slice
415     assert(list.availableCapacity == 13);
417     list ~= 4;  // operator ~= also calls pushBack
418     assert(list == [1, 2, 3, 4]);  // Lists are aliased to the used slice by `alias this`
419     assert(list[2 .. $] == [3, 4]);  // this means stuff like opDollar, slicing and length just works
420     // so does foreach
421     import std.stdio : writeln;
422     foreach (value; list)
423     {
424         writeln(value);
425     }
426     // so does importing common range stuff
427     import std.range;
428     assert(list.front == 1);
429     assert(list.back == 4);
431     list.popBack();  // pops the last value. If element type has elaborate detructors, reinitializes element to it's `.init` value
432     assert(list == [1, 2, 3]);
433     list.popBack(2);  // pops the last N values. The same caveats apply
434     assert(list == [1]);
435     list.pop();  // pop is an alias to popBack
436     assert(list == null);
437     list.pop(42);  // popping more items than there are is safe
438     list.clear();  // pops all elements from List
439     assert(list.empty);
441     list.push(iota(16));  // ranges can be pushed at once
442     assert(list.full);
443     auto result = list.push(1, 2);  // Trying to push more items than capacity permits is an error, but no exception is thrown...
444     assert(result == 2);  // ...rather pushBack returns the number of items that were not inserted
445     list.clear();
446     result = list.push(1, 1, 2, 3, 5);
447     assert(result == 0);  // if all items were inserted, pushBack returns 0
448     result = list.pushBack(repeat(42));  // if range has no known length and not all elements were inserted...
449     assert(result < 0);  // ...pushBack returns a negative value
451     // Lists can also be backed by a slice
452     import core.stdc.stdlib : malloc, free;
453     alias IntList = List!int;
455     enum bufferSize = 8 * int.sizeof;
456     void* buffer = malloc(bufferSize);
458     // Construction using void[]
459     auto sliceList = IntList(buffer[0 .. bufferSize]);
460     assert(sliceList.capacity == 8);
462     // Construction using element type slice
463     sliceList = IntList(cast(int[]) buffer[0 .. bufferSize]);
464     assert(sliceList.capacity == 8);
466     // Construction using void pointer and explicit buffer size (be careful!)
467     sliceList = IntList(buffer, bufferSize);
468     assert(sliceList.capacity == 8);
470     // Construction using element type pointer and explicit capacity (be careful!)
471     sliceList = IntList(cast(int*) buffer, 8);
472     assert(sliceList.capacity == 8);
474     // Lists backed by slices do not manage their own memory (TODO: memory mamaged (noGC, but destructor/auto resize) List type)
475     free(buffer);
476 }